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Date: 01.06.2017

MirroCool is only weeks away from our launch date and our campaign is picking up momentum worldwide!
Project news
Date: 01.06.2017
MirroCool is only weeks away from our launch date and our campaign is picking up momentum worldwide!
Date: 26.05.2017
MirroCool is nearing the launch of its integral Kickstarter campaign, and the anticipation is building all around our team.
Date: 22.05.2017
Although we’ve researched high and low, we haven’t seen many other products like MirroCool on the market and we are slowly transforming houses, one bathroom at a time.
Date: 11.05.2017
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? This answer is easy: YOU, especially when using a MirroCool mirror.
Date: 04.05.2017
Facial Gestures Recognition (FGR) software helps differentiate MirroCool product from its competitors.
Date: 27.04.2017
Optimize your day by doing what comes naturally: Looking at your reflection.
MirroCool Smart Mirror was developed by a team of cutting edge innovators coming from industries as varied as mirror production, visual monitoring systems, and access control. MirroCool integrates these verticals and delivers one phenomenal device: the MirroCool, a smart mirror and automated personal assistant.
To schedule an interview or obtain an investor packet, contact Anne Howard from the AH Marketing Group at:
MirroCool head office is located at:
28 2nd Street 3rd Floor PMB #3248
San Francisco, CA 94105-3455
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